Our Lady of Mount Carmel Quilt Making Group

Our Lady of Mount Carmel Quilt Making Group

From 1954-1966, the Auxiliary kept a sewing group that provided everything the nuns needed for the new convent and the new chapel, including draperies, vestments and altar cloths. They also made handmade artifacts for sale in their many fundraising events. Today, the Auxiliary focuses exclusively on making quilts for their fundraising events. There are several women in the Auxiliary who are truly experts at making quilts, and have created some absolutely exquisite works of art which are always a highly-prized item that is raffled off at the Spaghetti Luncheon/Fundraiser Dinner events. Contact us at carmelitehelpers@gmail.com for quilt raffle tickets. For more information about our Fundraising Events or to register for an upcoming event, please click here.


2016 Quilt

2017 Quilt

In 2017, the Auxiliary Quilt Making Group created the “Broken Star Quilt”, which it is a Log Cabin style quilt. Many traditional Log Cabin quilts will feature a red center square, since it is said that the center square of a Log Cabin quilt block represents the hearth of a log cabin and is the “heart” of the home.